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Strategising Your Life starts with Awareness

Transform your life with Metaphysics

Why I Start
"Strategise your Life" 

Luck isn't just a matter of chance; it's something we can consciously create. By understanding and harnessing the energies around us, we can shape our lives and achieve our goals. My approach integrates three powerful Chinese metaphysical tools: BaZi, Feng Shui, and Qi Men Dun Jia.


Discover Your True Self with BaZi

BaZi, also known as the Four Pillars of Destiny, reveals our inherent character and potential by analyzing our birth chart. By understanding our strengths and weaknesses, we can make informed decisions and plan our lives more effectively.


Enhance Your Environment with Feng Shui

Feng Shui helps us create harmonious living and working spaces by balancing the energies in our environment. By addressing the less favorable aspects of our BaZi, we can optimize our surroundings to support our well-being and success.


Seize the Right Moment with Qi Men Dun Jia

Qi Men Dun Jia, an ancient Chinese divination method, guides us in choosing the right moments to act. By aligning our actions with auspicious times, we can maximize our chances of success and navigate life's challenges more effectively.


Achieve Your Goals with Metaphysics

Life coaching with Chinese metaphysics is about understanding how the energies of our lives interact with the energies of the world around us. By mastering these energies, we can take steps to achieve our goals and create positive change in our lives.

  • Clarity: Gain a deeper understanding of your life's path and potential.

  • Focus: Learn to concentrate your efforts on what truly matters.

  • Direction: Navigate your life's journey with confidence and purpose.

  • ​

Through this integrative approach, I help people create powerful shifts and manifest their dreams. Embrace the wisdom of Chinese metaphysics to live life to the fullest and unlock their true potential.

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Consultation Services

I offer Bazi reading services, Fengshui audits and Qimen consultations. 

Bazi Consultation

Know yourself and your life force

Bazi is not a religion or a superstition. It is about knowing your natal DNA and learning how to make the best of your natal DNA. Know your potential and your luck cycles and make the appropriate decisions to go far in your life.

Fengshui Audit

Find out about the energies of where you work and play

Fengshui audits are carried out at places where you spend the most time. It can be your home or your workplace. It allows you to know if the places you spend the most time has the best energies to compliment or augment your life. 

Qimen Reading

Qimen - Craft your Life Strategies

Qimen is an ancient Chinese art for forecasting and strategic execution. It helps us to see our life matters in 4 dimensions, namely, time, space, man and the divine. It gives us insights to matters that we do not see and helps us make the most strategic executions to important matters in our lives.

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